Palu Leaves


Palu leaves are a small heart shaped to deltoid leaf from the…

Premium leaf litter – Marañon leaves


Medium to large leaves from the Marañon fruit tree, a species…

Premium leaf litter – Mangosteen


I'll be honest we've been bringing in Mangosteen leaves for the last…

Jack fruit tree bark


Small fragments of Jack fruit tree bark, Jack fruit bark looks pretty…

Palm Bakla


The fibrous outer layer of the date palm, makes a very hard wearing…

Guava leaves


Guava leaves a bit like Almond leaves are used in the aquarium trade…

American Oak


Leaves of the American oak have a distinctively spiky shape, making…

Catappa leaves


For a long time the leaves of the Indian almond tree(Terminalia…

Mango Leaves


Now common across the worlds tropical zone the mango tree produces…

Banana leaves


These segments of banana leaves are excellent for big vivs as well as…