Neoregelia “Sirius” TH-BC9614


Lovely small bromeliad, similar to toy tiger but blushes hot pink to…

Neoregelia “Hannibal Lector x Punta” TH-BC9614


Lovely small to medium brom, like a smaller version of Havana or…

Neoregelia “Pop Tart” TH-BC9614


Small to medium bromeliad, a nice sized tricolor brom that flushes…

Neoregelia “Fireball hybrid” TH-AEP110324


A Super fireball hybrid! same rich colour and only slightly larger…

Neoregelia “Toy Tiger” TH-BC10924


A tiny tricolor brom with red banding, like a tiny Palmares!

Neoregelia “John Broadman” TH-BC10924

Original price was: £16.00.Current price is: £12.00.

A decent sized wide bromeliad, like a bigger Medusa!

Neoregelia “Hop scotch” TH-BC9614

Original price was: £35.00.Current price is: £18.00.

Nice small to medium tricolor brom with pink/red blotches and bands.

Neoregelia “Akeso” CO-FE5586


Tiny banded brom, a hybrid Neoregelia made from crossing Neoreglia…

Neoregelia “Tar Baby” TH-AEP110324


Nice small upright brom a bit like Neo."Midas" green fading to black…

Neoregelia “Candelabra” TH-BC9614


Lime green brom bigger than a Fireball but still a good frog brom.