Vriesea corcovadensis CO-FE3542


Slender green brom with a black base, found in the Brazililian…

Vriesea botafogensis CO-FE5586


Vriesea botafogensis is a new one on us, after 6 years of trading in…

Tillandsia tectorum CO-FE1246


Small to medium sized grass like airplant with silver/white fluffy…

Tillandsia melanocrater CO-FE1246


Medium sized grass like airplant with grey green leaves, producing…

Tillandsia ioantha vanhyningii CO-FE3542


This sought after variety of T.ioantha has more succulent leaves…

Tillandsia funkiana NL-D100273


Mature clumps of this curling short leaved air plant.

Tillandsia capitata var Red CO-FE3542


Nice small to medium sized airplant good as a houseplant but also in…

Tillandsia andreana CO-FE5586


Smaller round species of tillandsia with hair like fronds.

Tillandsia albida CO-FE5586


Medium species of tillandsia that can form long twisting trailing…

The Neotropical Treeboas: Natural history of the Corallus hortulanus complex


An overview of the biology of the species complex of the neotropical…