Pitcairnia orchidifolia DE-20230818


Pitcairnias are an unusual group of bromeliads, found in South America many are cold tolerant. P.orchidifllia is endemic to Venezuela, and found growing on exposed rock faces where temps can get very hot during the day and cold at night. The base of the leaf axils are incredibly spikey like a curled up bramble stem, the central.leaves are long and soft upto 600mm long.

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Pitcairnias are an unusual group of bromeliads, found in South America many are cold tolerant. P.orchidifllia is endemic to Venezuela, and found growing on exposed rock faces where temps can get very hot during the day and cold at night. The base of the leaf axils are incredibly spikey like a curled up bramble stem, the central.leaves are long and soft upto 600mm long.

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